Thursday, August 4, 2011

Flying Home.

It's 11:30 pm. Here in Tokyo at the Haneda Airport. Our trip to Tohoku, The disaster area, went very well. Pictures from Tohoku will be posted after we return to the U.S. Please pray for safe travel back home. Thanks to your Prayers and support, we believe we have made an impact for the Gospel upon the people we met in Japan.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


It seems that responding to this blog is harder than we thought. A change has been made that will hopefully make it easier to post a comment. Thank you so much for your prayers. Several of the mothers and one father who came to the VBS were at the church service this morning!
There was an earthquake in Fukushima this morning. We felt it a little bit in Chiba, several hundred miles away. We hear it is very hot and rainy in Tohoku now, and the plan is to go up there tomorrow morning - Monday. It is a 7-8 hour drive. More than 10 people plan to go. Please pray for safe travel, good attitudes, and that God's will be done.

J team

Friday, July 29, 2011

VBS 5. Please comment!

Today was the 5th Summer Bible Camp day. it has been a good week. We have forged many new friendships and strengthened old ones. One thing that we have been doing is distributing flyers about the church in mail boxes around town. We have three teams of two, one American, and one Korean per-team. Please pray that God uses these flyers to do great things in Chiba.

Tomorrow is a special Summer Bible Camp day because the kids parents are invited. Please pray for the unsaved people who will be there.

Here are some photos from Yesterday and Today.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

JVBS in progress

We had our second day of VBS today. There were about30 to 40 kids here with many of their mothers. It was good to see several mothers who became Christians through this VBS in years past now helping out as volunteers. Thank you for praying! Many of you prayed for Mrs. Kihara last year. She was baptized not too long ago and is now one of the helpers at VBS. Please pray for her husband s salvation.
The 3 guys on our team this year are doing a great job!
The kids are really enjoying the Go Fish Guys music again this year.
We are so blessed by being here and sharing the Gospel message with people who have never heard it before. It is through your prayers and support that we are here. Thank you!


Monday, July 25, 2011

First day of VBS

Konnichiwa (hello!), everyone! Is anyone reading this?

Today was our first day of VBS, and things went great! Although everyone was exhausted by the end of the program, God used this fun-filled day for His glory. The Go-fish guys kicked the week off with two songs, followed by an encore later in the day.

Our team has spent these first few days constantly busy. We have been building relationships with the Korean team, practicing our Go Fish guys songs and helping out at the daycare. God has blessed us these last few days with new friendships and experiences, and we look forward to the rest of the trip.

Thank you for your prayers!

J Team

Sunday, July 24, 2011

JVBS starts Monday

It is Sunday night, and VBS starts tomorrow. We have some final preparations to make tonight. Pastor Han preached a good sermon this morning on how we are lights because God is light. Our desire this week is to be lights in the spiritual darkness of Japan. Please continue to pray for us. hopefully, we can post some pics tomorrow. We appreciate you all. Is anyone following this blog?

J team

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Today was our first full day in Chiba. We were very busy getting decorations up for Summer Bible Camp on Monday. It was nice to see so many friends we has not seen since last year. At about 3:30 Ryan arrived at the church with his host family to meet up with the rest of us.

After we got set up, a Korean team came to the church to have a meeting. They are going to be staying for the week to help us with Summer Bible Camp. We have a small team this year, so this extra help is a big blessing.

Tomorrow we have church in the morning and we will continue preparing for Monday.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Things we're looking forward to:

VBS, Spreading the Gospel, renewing old friendships, making new friendships, helping the disaster area, Japanese cuisine, etc.

Things we're not looking forward to:


Pray that everything would go smoothly and quickly as we head out tomorrow morning.

Looking forward to posting IN JAPAN!