Monday, July 25, 2011

First day of VBS

Konnichiwa (hello!), everyone! Is anyone reading this?

Today was our first day of VBS, and things went great! Although everyone was exhausted by the end of the program, God used this fun-filled day for His glory. The Go-fish guys kicked the week off with two songs, followed by an encore later in the day.

Our team has spent these first few days constantly busy. We have been building relationships with the Korean team, practicing our Go Fish guys songs and helping out at the daycare. God has blessed us these last few days with new friendships and experiences, and we look forward to the rest of the trip.

Thank you for your prayers!

J Team


  1. great to know the Lord has provided traveling mercies & has graciously provided some extra help with VBS! keep the photos and updates coming. our family continues to keep you covered in prayer! Lord willing the actions and words of the team will declare that Jesus Christ is Lord and reach many souls. love the Bare family

  2. I love seeing these pictures!! I am still praying. I am waiting for a video like we got last yr of VBS in Japan!! Update again, we miss you guys!
