Saturday, July 21, 2012

First day.

Hello from Japan! We have arrived, and are beginning to settle in here at the church. Our flight from Philly was delayed, and we had to sprint in Detroit to make our flight. But God was with us, and we arrived at the last minute, huffing and puffing, ready to leave the country and land in Tokyo. We had no trouble getting through customs in Japan, again a blessing from God, and after reuniting with Michiyo, sprinted to make our 11:20 PM bus ride. God's blessings seem to be a reoccurring theme for our trip. Our theme for VBS this year is "Countries of the World", and our passage for the week comes from Acts 2: the Pentecost. While there are teams from Japan, Korea and the US, and although there are three different languages being spoken, God's power knows no culture differences, and His grace and mercy knows no language barrier. Pray that we would build strong relationships with each team, that we would interact with the children at VBS, and that we would bring glory to the God of the whole world.


  1. we are so thankful that you all made it there safely! we are praying for you!

  2. Praying that God will use you to reach that beautiful country!
